It's not possible to export the entire year in CSV and XLS

Currently, the functionality is limited to exporting data every 6 months.

Which report to use: new or old

It's advisable to use the new reports as they receive continuous updates and improvements. The old reports are obsolete and not updated; they will eventually disappear.

Source of information in some fields

  • Products (new)

    • Margin: Calculates the difference between the cost price and the selling price of the item.

  • Z Report

    • Total: Total orders, both open and closed, with discounts applied.

  • Daily Summary

    • Groups - Total: Sum of the products.
    • Taxes - Total and subtotal: Sum of sales from orders. Extracted from the order report.
    • Payment methods - Total: Sum of sales by payment methods. Extracted from the payment report.

  • Categories/groups

    • Total: Sum of sales from orders. Extracted from the order report.

  • Products (old)

    • Margin on costs: (Selling price - Variable cost) × 100.
    • Margin on sales: (Total sales + Net profit) × 100.
    • Total: Sum of the item's value, including modifiers.
    • Total RRP: Sum of the item without modifiers or additional prices.
    • Average value: Average of the item with additional prices and modifiers.
    • Price: Item price without modifiers or additional prices.

Discrepancies between group/product reports and billing reports

The reports used to track product movement are based on orders, which can cause discrepancies with billing reports due to:

  • Open orders: If a purchase order hasn't been completed or closed yet, it won't appear in billing reports but will in product movement reports.

  • Discounts on invoices: Billing reports include discounts applied to sales, while product movement reports do not.

Therefore, when comparing these reports, it's important to note that products in open orders may not yet be associated with an invoice, resulting in discrepancies.