The employees are the users who use REVO, that is, the workers in our store.

Each employee uses a unique 4-digit PIN to identify themselves in the REVO app. It is recommended that each employee has their own user and that it is not shared among them. This way, we ensure that each employee uses their privileges appropriately.

1. We enter the back-office of Revo RETAIL.

2. We go to Settings / EMPLOYEES.

3. Click on the +New button.

  • Active: If we select it, this user will be available in the app and will be able to access to the back-office.

  • Name: Add the name of the employee. (Mandatory Field)

  • Last Name: Add the last name of the employee.

  • Email: Add the email of the employee.

  • Phone: Add the phone number of the employee.

  • PIN: Numeric value of 4 digits and unique (cannot be repeated). (Mandatory Field)

  • Password: Add a password if we want this employee to access the back-office.

  • Privilege: Determine what each employee can and cannot do while using the REVO app. More information here. (Mandatory Field)

  • Back-office Privileges: Determine what each employee can and cannot do while using the back-office. More information here.

  • Notes: Text field to note any information we consider relevant.

4. Click on the Save button.

There is also the possibility of adding a photo to identify employees more easily.

This image will be visible in the back-office and the Revo RETAIL app.

How do we add an image to the employee?

  • Click on , located to the left of the employee's name.
  • Click on Select file to upload an image.
  • Click on Save.