From version 4.3 onward, an innovative product called Shortcut will be introduced.

IMPORTANT: It is necessary for all devices to be updated to version 4.3 to access this new product.

The main purpose of this product is to streamline the creation of shortcuts for our products across various categories, eliminating the need for duplication.

This feature prevents the creation of multiple identical products along with their respective inventories; instead, all the information from the original product will be transferred to the shortcut, simplifying management and organization.

Note: On Masters accounts, this shortcut is not available.

How to create a shortcut product

1. Access the back-office of Revo XEF.

2. Go to Catalog / GROUPS.

3. Once in the category where you want to add the shortcut, click on +New and select Shortcut:

4. Select the product from the drop-down menu:

5. Finally, click on Save.

You now have the shortcut created in the new category:

Note: This product cannot be edited; all modifications must be made to the original product. If you try to edit it, the following message will appear:


In our establishment, Coca-Cola stands out as a flagship product. To expedite the process and avoid the need to return to the Soft Drinks category, we now have the new shortcut, previously created in the Sushi category: