Revo XEF Advance 4.6.1 works with iOS 14.8 or later

From version 4.6.1 of Revo XEF Advance, improvements have been introduced to the app. This change means that version 4.6 of Revo XEF Advance is not compatible with devices using older versions of iOS (earlier than iOS 14.8). These devices that cannot update to iOS 14.8 (or later versions) will become obsolete and will no longer be able to use Revo XEF Advance. This change is due to the implementation of performance and optimisation improvements in our solution.

If I have a device running an iOS version older than 14.8 and want to continue using it, what can I do?

  • It will no longer be possible to use Revo XEF Advance. You will need to use the latest version of Revo XEF available on the Apple Store.

How do I check my current iOS version?

  • Check your current iOS version in your device's settings.


  • "PMS" Button from Ulyses

    Added the PMS button, allowing you to view the reservation list and link or unlink them from tables.


Resolved the following issues:

  • The one that prevented selecting the work method.
  • The one that generated a refund and a new invoice when adding the "None" customer.
  • The one that did not print using the printer selected in preferences.
  • The one that did not correctly apply the selected profile in preferences.
  • The one that prevented duplicating a menu.
  • The one that did not correctly show or hide the rooms of a profile.
  • The one that allowed a double refund if pressed quickly.
  • The one that caused an unexpected crash when accessing Revo INTOUCH.
  • The one that caused an occasional unexpected crash on the iPhone within the flow of prints to the kitchen.