Import "Minimum Spend" products to Revo FLOW
It is now possible to import "Minimum Spend" products created in Revo XEF into Revo FLOW.
Add products by barcode
The ability to search for products by barcode has been added when adding them to a menu.
SMS Information
The "Plans" section now displays the subscribed SMS plans.
Customers 360 on Master accounts
If the master account has the "Customers 360" plan, the "Customer" section can be accessed from the side menu.
- Fixed an issue affecting asset synchronisation in Master accounts when creating new products, discounts, etc.
- Tobacco fields are now correctly saved in accounts with Basque tax regulations.
- Product notes now display correctly for orders from UberEats.
- Fixed an issue where Deliverect orders were duplicated.
- Fixed an SQL error when creating or saving a gift card.
- Fixed an issue where only the customer’s name appeared in "Delivery" orders.
- Fixed an issue where the "REDSYS Pinpad" integration was hidden and had to be searched for.