From the Catalogue module, we'll have access to all products, modifiers, combos, and combo groups configured in the Revo XEF back-office.

To synchronize the catalogue, we need to follow these steps:

1. Go to the back-office of Revo XEF.

2. Navigate to INTEGRATIONS.

3. Click on for the previously configured InTouch integration.

  • Categories: Select all the categories you want to synchronize with Revo SOLO.

Click Save.

4. Click on and select Update Catalog.

5. Since it's the first time we're updating the catalog, select all the options and click Update:

When synchronizing the catalog, part of the product configuration will already be complete, including:

  • Name, Price, Barcode, VAT, Image, Allergens, Product Descriptions, Modifiers, Combos, and Combo Groups.

The configuration transferred through the integration DOES NOT include:

  • Name translations, description translations, points, and necessary points.


1. Go to Catalog / PRODUCTS.

2. Click on the icon to edit the category.

3. Click on the icon to delete the category.

4. Click on the icon to deactivate the category. If you want to reactivate it, simply click on the .

5. Click on the icon to move the category as needed, so it appears in the desired order. Once done, click Save Order to confirm the changes.

6. Click on the icon to add an image to the category.

7. Click on the +New button to create a new category:

  • Activate:
  • Name: Category name.
  • Translations: Add translation for each language you have configured.
  • Collectivity Date: Configure the collectivity mode if you want Revo SOLO to display the category only for this date.

8. We can create a product category by clicking on Product Categories (0):

  • By clicking on +New, we get the same window as described earlier.
  • Once created, click on Products (--) to add them by clicking on +New, you can search for products already created in Revo XEF and add them without the need to export the catalogue.

9. To access the products, simply click on Products (--):

  • By clicking on the icon, you can edit the product.

  • By clicking on the icon, you can delete the product.

  • By clicking on the icon, you can deactivate the product. If you want to reactivate it, simply click on the .

  • By clicking on the icon, you can move the product as you wish so that it appears in the desired order. Once the change is made, click on Save order to confirm the changes.

  • By clicking on the icon, you can add an image to the product.

  • Establishments: If you have multiple locations, by clicking on the --, you can activate them in different locations and modify their prices.

    • Establishment: Select the establishment from the dropdown. To appear, it must have been previously created in the Establishments module. More information here.
    • Activate:
    • Price: Enter the price, whether it's the same value or a different price.
    • Tax: Enter the tax, whether it's the same value or a different price.

  • Modifier Categories: If you have configured modifiers, they will appear in this column. By clicking on them, you can delete them or add new ones.

  • By clicking on the +New button, you can search for products already created in Revo XEF and add them without the need to export the catalogue.

  • Menu: When you export a menu, it will display as follows:

    If you click on the menu categories, you can access and edit them by clicking on the icon:

    • Name: Enter the new name of the menu category.

    • Translations: Select the language and enter the translation

    • Min and Max: Specify the available options for this category. Determine whether multiple options can be selected or only one within the category, or if it's a mandatory or optional category.

      • Examples of Option Types:
      • Min: 1 and Max: 1: This is a "Mandatory" option and only one can be selected.
      • Min: 1 and Max: 2: This is a "Mandatory" option and up to 2 options can be selected.
      • Min: 0 and Max: 1: This is an "Optional" option, there is no obligation to select an option, but up to 2 options can be selected.

    Products cannot be edited; if they need to be modified, this should be done from Revo XEF and the catalogue updated. They can only be deactivated by clicking on them:


If we have activated in APPEARANCES that the category name appears above the image, we must create at least one category beforehand. Because when importing our products from XEF, they are not automatically created.

For this, we have two ways:

1. Simply create a new category with a single product so that it shows us the others. You can create the category as described above in point 8.

2. Once the catalogue is imported, in one of the categories where we have fewer products, we can delete them, create the category as described above in point 8, and search for the products to add them again.


1. Go to Catalog / MODIFIERS.

2. Click on the icon to edit the modifier.

3. Click on the icon to delete the modifier.

4. Click on the +New button to create a new modifier:

  • Name: Specify the modifier's name.

  • Translations: Select the language and enter the translation.

  • Min and Max: Specify the available options for this modifier. Determine if multiple options can be selected or only one within the modifier, or if it's a mandatory or optional modifier.

  • Examples of Option Types:

    • Min: 1 and Max: 1: This is a "Mandatory" option, and only one can be selected (e.g., Flavour: Chocolate).
    • Min: 1 and Max: 2: This is a "Mandatory" option, and up to 2 options can be selected (e.g., Ice Cream).
    • Min: 0 and Max: 2: This is an "Optional" option, there's no obligation to select an option, but up to 2 options can be chosen (e.g., Drinks: none, with ice, with ice and lemon).

Click Save to confirm the changes.

5. Once the modifier is created, click on the -- to add options.

6. Click the +New button, create an option for this modifier.

  • Name: Enter the name of the modifier.
  • Translations: Select the language and enter the translation.
  • Price: Specify if there is a supplement. If this option does not have a supplement, leave it at 0.

Click Save to confirm the changes.

Next, you need to assign the modifier to a category or directly to the product. The difference is that if it is assigned to the category, all products in that category will have the modifier assigned.


1. Go to Catalog / COMBINATIONS.

2. Click on the pencil icon , you can edit the price of the combination.

3. Click on the icon , you can move the product to your liking so that it appears in the desired order. Once the change is made, click on Save order to confirm the changes.

4. Establishments: If you have multiple locations, by clicking on the --, you can activate it in different locations and modify the price.

  • Establishment: Select the establishment from the dropdown. To appear, it must have been created previously in the Establishments module.
  • Price: Enter the price, whether it is the same value or a different price.

If you want to add or remove these products, you must do so from Revo XEF and update the catalog. More information on how to create combinations in XEF here.


1. Go to Catalog / COMBINATION GROUPS.

2. Click on the pencil icon , you can edit the translation.

3. Click on the icon , you can move the product to your liking so that it appears in the desired order. Once the change is made, click on Save order to confirm the changes.

4. By clicking on the Combinations (--), you can activate or deactivate the different products.

If you want to add or remove these combination groups, you must do so from Revo XEF and update the catalog. More information on how to create combination groups in XEF here.


Go to Catalog / TRANSLATIONS to configure and select the different languages available in the application.

  • Default Language: Choose the default language of the application.
  • Available Languages: Choose as many languages as necessary from the dropdown.

Click Save to confirm the changes.

  • Export Translations: This option offers the possibility to export the entire list of products and proceed with their translations. This way, you won't have to enter each product individually to edit the name and product description translations.

  • Import Translations: Once the translations are done, you can import the file with the completed translations. The import must be done with a CSV file.