In REVO, the generation and downloading of tax files are crucial processes to comply with local regulations. Below, we'll explain how to generate and download these files from the back-office.

Generating the Tax File

Every time you close a session, Revo XEF automatically generates a tax file containing all the necessary information for verification. This file is stored in the back-office and follows a specific naming convention: date

The signature generated for each file is unique, and any changes to the file will affect this verification.

Accessing and Downloading Files

To access and download tax files, follow these steps:

1. Access the back-office of Revo XEF.

2. Go to Settings / FISCAL SETTINGS.

3. Click on Files.

  • Files: Here, you will see a list of files with the naming convention

  • Signature: Each file has a unique signature, ensuring its authenticity.

    If you need to copy this signature, double-click the field and use cmd+c (or ctrl+c) to copy it.

  • Download: To download the file, click on next to the required file.

Contents of the Tax File

When you download the file, you will find the following documents:

  • commandes.csv
  • documentation.txt
  • duplicatas.csv
  • fiche_repas.csv
  • grand_totals.csv
  • jet.csv
  • lignes_ticket.csv
  • notes_du_cuisine.csv
  • nots_duplicatas.csv
  • nots.csv
  • readme.txt
  • tickets.csv
  • tvas.csv

Importance of Verification

The signature generated with each file ensures that the data has not been altered. It is crucial to keep these files and their signatures for any required tax audit.